Hakea Grove are delighted to announce our nomination as finalists in this year’s LASA Excellence In Age Services Awards 2021 for both the Hakea Grove Team and Claire Abbott Hakea Groves very own Nurse Practitioner!
“It is such an honor and privilege for both the Hakea Grove Team and Claire Abbott Hakea Grove’s Nurse Practitioner”, says Jo Heslin CEO.
“I am so very proud of the team and all they have achieved in providing an outstanding service in a home where people truly matter.”
This year, the awards will be broadcast online by LASA (Leading Age Service Australia) on Aged Care Employee Day on Saturday 7th August.
Aged Care Employee Day is a national day to celebrate our unsung heroes – the people who work in Australia’s aged care industry! Hakea Grove will be celebrating each and every team member involved in the journey of caring for our residents. The last year has been a challenging one and they continue to remain committed, caring and full of joy each day.
To celebrate, Jo Heslin CEO will be holding a grazing plate celebration for all staff to enjoy throughout their staggered shifts. Treats and messages of appreciation from Hakea Grove residents will be shared in a COVID safe manner.
We are so very proud of the Hakea Grove team not just for making it through to the LASA Excellence in Age Service Awards of 2021 but for the difference each and every one makes every day in both our residents and their families lives says Jo Heslin CEO.
I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you and gratitude to not only the Hakea Grove team for their dedication and compassion in caring for our beautiful residents but also to all of the unsung heroes in Australia’s Aged Service Industry.
“Thank you for caring and for your tireless efforts during the difficult times COVID-19 has presented us with”, says Jo Heslin CEO.